Photo of Menandros Ioannidis, TU Delft

Menandros Ioannidis

TU Delft

Menandros Ioannidis
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Menandros Ioannidis works as a Researcher in the group of Architectural Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. For the past year he worked as student/ research assistant for ReStruct group within TU Delft. He holds a MSc in Building Technology from TU Delft and master’s degree in architectural engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Current research focuses on kiln casting of complex glass components and glass recycling.


  • Cast Glass
  • Glass fabrication method
  • Topologically optimised glass
  • Glass recycling




ReStruct Group page:

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