Photo of Prof. Dr.  Josep Costa, University of Girona

Prof. Dr.  Josep Costa

University of Girona

Prof. Dr.  Josep Costa
University of Girona (UdG) 

Josep Costa is a full professor in Materials Science at the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona (UdG). He holds a degree and a PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona. His main field of research is the mechanical characterization of long fibre reinforced composite materials. 

He has leaded several National and European Research projects mainly related to the use of composite materials in aeronautic and wind energy applications. He is the author/co-author of more than one hundred and ten papers in indexed journals related to composite materials with more than 7000 citations. 


  • Analysis and Testing of Composite Materials 
  • Fracture Mechanics 
  • Recycling of composite materials




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