Photo of Aline Bergert, TU Dresden

Aline Bergert

TU Dresden

Dipl.-Berufspäd. Aline Bergert
Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)

Aline is an educational technologist. She works as a research associate at the Institute of Building Construction at TU Dresden and is part of the OpenGlassRoom coordinators team. As a doctoral scholarship holder of the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst, she is researching the topic of ‘Digitalisation in everyday teaching’. She is also an associate member of the Hans Böckler Foundation’s doctoral programme ‘Mediation and Translation in Transition – Relational Practices of Difference Management in the Face of New Limits to Participation in Knowledge and Work’ at the Centre for School and Educational Research (ZSB) at MLU Halle-Wittenberg and a member of the AEDiL authors’ group.


  • Education technology
  • Open education
  • Digitalisation in everyday teaching
  • Post-digital education
  • Cultural translation




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